Monday, December 5, 2011

A Few Projects

Here are the pictures of the "Rules" I added to our chalkboard wall and also the art wall in the mudroom.  The mudroom still isn't finished but I did get the art wall up.  :)

Meet Elfie

The Elf on the Shelf is by far a GENIUS and ADORABLE idea!  The girls are so into it!  They named our elf "Elfie".  Here are a couple of places he has been hiding so far:

While on the subject of Christmas, here is the advent calendar I made and also a final pic of the tree:

Future Olympians

A few weeks ago I found out that Katy was being moved up in gymnastics.  She has always been leaps and bounds ahead of everyone in her class so I was not surprised when they moved her up.  They put her in a class with mostly 5 year olds.  She is loving the new challenges it brings!  Her arm strength is still incredible, making the uneven bars her best event.

Just before Thanksgiving vacation I found out that Brylie was getting moved up as well.  Since John had taken her the night that we found out, I had to call to get her class time changed.  When I called they asked what level she was in and then told me the day and time of the next level.  Well, tonight we showed up to the new time and her coach asked why we were there.  I told her that was when we were told to come but much to my surprise Brylie was actually invited onto the pre-team.  The pre-team is by invitation only and for those that are advanced enough to begin learning routines and such for competition.  So basically, my little non-athlete went from being in level one gymnastics to pre-team.  There are some kids who complete level 2 and 3 before being asked onto this team.

I am so proud of both of the girls!  They are both doing AWESOME in gymnastics!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Here Come's Santa Claus

We went to the Annual Christmas Parade in Lumberton tonight.  I was sad that Katy was still in Lubbock and didn't get to go but Brylie still had a blast with her cousin Jessye!