Saturday, September 25, 2010

Front Page News

Well, I finally got a weekend with absolutley nothing to do and low and behold Brylie and I are both sick! Yep go figure! We got a whole lot of lounging done today lol. Oh well, I guess it at least gave us an excuse to sit around the house and do that "nothing" we've been longing for. I am really hoping that we are feeling better tomorrow so that we are able to attend our first Bible study at church.

Katy is still at Papa and Lola's and we are missing her greatly! It really helps now that we have Skype and can at least see her. Papa and Lola decided they wanted one more week with her so they are going to keep her until next weekend. She is having lots of fun though and that's all that matters.  Here are a few pictures they have taken:

She is starting to look so grown up!  :(  She is still a cutie though!!!

I'm looking forward to a new work week! Last week was very hectic and by the end my class was far from sane. We had our field trip to McGregor Park on Thursday. I even managed to make the front and center page of the newspaper Friday morning. Our preschool owns a portion of McGregor Park and in May the kiddos got to go out and plant pumpkin seeds. Thursday we took them out there to harvest their pumpkins and then plant wild flower seeds for spring. Here is a clip of the newspaper. The picture quality is fuzzy on here but it is because I had to crop it from the entire front page:

Local News

What other way to officially welcome fall than with pumpkins? And that’s what the Gateway Early Learning Center did with a lesson that started in May, when students and teachers planted pumpkin seeds at Winston Patrick McGregor Park during a lesson in plant life that continued this week. Teacher Kelsie Brown inspects what Malia Trate harvested Thursday.

To end the week we had our Grandparents Program on Friday so our classes were really in rare form then. Like I said I am definitly looking forward to a new week. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Catching Up

Wow! I never thought I could possibly go this long without blogging but every time I thought I would get the chance it never really came! Brylie is in full swing with Kindergarten now. After having to divide the classes into smaller ones, she actually was moved this week into a brand new class. I was really worried at first that this change may not be for the best but Brylie seems to really like her new teacher Mrs. Sherber as well as her new classmates.

Dance has also gotten off to a great start! Brylie is doing 2 hours of dance each Monday. She does Tap, Ballet, Hip Hop, and Jazz! On Wednesdays she does what is called the Performers Group which she is really enjoying. Katy goes on Thursdays for ballet and boy does she love it! She is so stinkin' cute! The class was suppose to be a "mommy and me" class but after Katy led the way for the rest of the group on the first day it turned out to be just a "me" class.

I got to attend my very first PTA meeting today at Brylie's school. I feel like a "real" schooler parent lol. It was a lot of fun and I met some great people. I am looking forward to planning the Fall Carnival which is first on the agenda.

Mitchell and I are going to start attending Bible Study on Sunday nights with Heather and Charlie. I am looking forward to meeting some new friends in the Cleburne area. The youth pastor of our church and his wife are going to be leading it so I am super excited to see what messages are brought forward.

Speaking of church, Brylie is going to start attending Awanas with Abby Wednesday nights after dance. While the "big girls" are studying God's word Heather and I as well as the "little girls" Katy and Myka, are going to start walking together.

We are just busy little bees lately! I forgot to mention the biggest change is that I am once again teaching Pre-K. When I started I had very mixed feelings about it but after one horrible day of absolute chaos and some serious time juggling it has all begun to work itself out. I am now working from 8-3 each day which turns out to be wonderful hours! I am very grateful in that I am able to drop Brylie off at school each day and still make it back in time to pick her up. Katy is really loving her new class too. She is already learning so much and it is great to get to see her interacting with kiddos her own age. It is funny though because her teacher has been telling me that she is one of the most well behaved children she has. Ha! Lol, looks like my little monster is a super sweet cupcake when I'm not around. :)

Wheh! Well I think I have well enough caught you up on our super busy lives that have unfolded these last few weeks! No way will I go that long again without blogging. I'm pretty sure I began to experience withdrawl symptoms!