Thursday, June 30, 2011

Brylie Loses Her First Tooth

Well after MUCH drama, Brylie finally lost her first tooth.  She actually had 4 loose ones and the bottom 2 have litterally been hanging by a thread.  Katy and I chased her around the house for over 30 minutes before I cornered her and "touched" the tooth.  It fell into her lap and she let out a nervous giggle.  That night she wrote the Tooth Fairy a note then woke up to $5.00, a Fancy Nancy book, and a note from the Tooth Fairy. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mimi and Papa Visit

Mimi and Papa came for a visit over the weekend to see the new house and bring us Bella!  We went to Tokyo a hibachi restaurant to celebrate.  The girls LOVED it!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Crawfish Boil

We spent Father's Day at Papa's house with Daddy, Papa, Lola, and Lola Wilma.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Swimming Lessons

The girls completed swimming lessons this week and they both did GREAT! Brylie can dive in and swim all the way across the pool by herself. Katy can swim very short distances by herself from her teacher to the steps. Their teacher happened to be the same teacher that taught Mitchell swimming lessons 20 years ago! She was AMAZING!