Saturday, April 14, 2012

Boat Time

Now that we have a means of pulling the boat, we decided it was time to clean it up and get it in tip top shape.  We have had a blast over the last week literally taking it out EVERY night.  The girls even got their first tubing experience which they LOVED!

Mitchell's New Truck

After demolishing his car and needing a new ride, Mitchell purchased this 2012 Nissan Frontier.  He claims to officially feel like a man.  (big eye roll)  The best part is that we now have a way of towing the boat.

Friday, April 13, 2012

I Vow...

To never get this far behind with blogging again!  It didn't help that March was a very busy month.  However, I finally got caught up!  Make sure you click on "older posts" at the bottom so that you can see them all.  Not much wording on any of them but it was about the only way I was going to get caught up!  Enjoy!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

Brylie's School Party

EARLY morning egg hunt...

And finally, Easter at Uncle Tommy and Aunt Alice's...

All the cousins lined up for the Easter egg hunt...

Katy found one of the "lucky" eggs

Brylie found one too...