The girls and I have spent the last couple of days working with Grandpa again. This time we are helping him remodel a mobile home to get it ready for renters to move in. It is one DIRTY job. We have had to wash the entire place with Pinesole from top to bottom. (Literally the floor, walls, and ceiling). Then today we started to paint every inch of ceiling and tomorrow we are going to paint all the walls. In between all that we have also cleaned ceiling fans, a disgusting refrigerator, moved out old abandoned furniture, and worked on the plumbing. It is so exhausting! The girls LOVE to help though! I'm not real sure how much work Grandpa is actually getting done, but hey I've come quite a ways lol. By the time I bring them home they are black from head to toe with dirt. They are also majorly tired and ready for bed nearly as soon as they get home, bathe, and eat dinner. I'm of course equally exhausted. I hate to admit it, but I really don't think I have ever worked this hard in my entire life! My knee has be so swollen I can't even really bend it, and my hip is going out on me again. I don't know if you have ever had to paint a ceiling before but talk about a CRICK IN THE NECK. I have to constantly look up. I even have a big bruise on my upper leg from where the paint pole was constantly hitting me there with every stroke. I'm also quite certain my arms are going to fall off if I have to hold them in the air anymore. From painting ceilings, to cleaning ceiling fans and removing the blades, to having to remove and carry all the doors in the house, my arms have QUIT! Oh well, I guess I will quit making you feel sorry for me...you do feel sorry for me, right? I hope you enjoy the pictures of my adorable princesses turned into filthy little workers!
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