Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Katy's Last Days on Vacation + Brylie's Dance Performance

As you can see there is never a dull moment for Papa and Lola when Katy comes for a visit.  She loves to help pick goodies from Lola's garden!  This time she got to pick mangoes and pomegranates.  Her Papa shared his love of running with her as well.  The first time Katy went running with them she ran for about a half a mile.  Day two she ran an entire mile and never once stopped!  I will post the videos hopefully tomorrow.

As for Brylie she spent the last couple of days with strep throat.  Luckily she was well enough to participate in her first dance performance for her Performers Group.  That video will come tomorrow too lol.  Brylie's school has decided to use some bond money to allow for a variety of clubs at school every other Friday.  The list had a lot of great clubs to choose from such as Arts and Crafts, Music, Playdough, Science, Reptiles, etc.  What does my little Diva choose?  Fashion Design Club!  Yep, that's her!  She's such a riot sometimes!

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