Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Time!

We had a really great Christmas this year!  We opened the first round of presents on the 22nd.  The girls got to go ahead and open all of their gifts from me and Mitchell and also the gifts from Aunt Courtney.  On the 23rd they opened their Papa and Lola gifts and then they made cookies for Santa who came a day early.  They woke up Christmas Eve to Santa's delivery.  On the night of Christmas Eve we went to our annual Chinese Christmas in Newton.  It is always a blast!  Santa even made a surprise visit!  Katy would not leave him alone!  She loves anything in costume, Santa included.  She was so cute!  After our Newton Christmas we got on the road for the 5 hour trip to Crawford for Christmas with Aunt Jacque, Uncle Chris, and Uncle Matt, and Mimi and Papa.  Christmas day we opened all of those gifts and then headed back to Lumberton.  Well at least 3 of us did...Brylie stayed for a mini vacation in Lubbock.  Christmas night we went to Jory and Elena's and did our Christmas with them and Lucas and Jessica.  After opening our gifts we started a fire outside and then shot off some fireworks.  Then us girls went inside for some Michael Jackson on the Wii.  That of course was hillarious!  I plan on posting a video as soon as Mitchell finds the right cord to his phone.  As you can see we had a really busy Christmas!  It's not over yet though!  This coming weekend we will have Christmas with my mom and grandparents as well as my dad!    Here are some of the pictures I've uploaded so far...

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