Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Party Like A Rockstar!

And we did just that.  We had the privilege of being on the guest list of a friend's private party at Madison's.  (Madison's is a neat restaurant/bar in Beaumont).  The guy throwing the party is a good friend of Jared's and let me tell you he is LOADED!  We have partied with him once before for Jared's birthday and I just thought he went all out for that occasion lol.  This time he rented out nearly the entire lower level of Madison's and stocked it with loads of food and FREE alcohol for all.  He even had private bartenders just for the party.  As you can see in the pictures it was complete with 2 enormous ice sculptures one of each playing team.  We got to "watch" the game on a ginormous screen.  I say it like that because of course Elena and I had nothing to do with watching the game.  We did actually enjoy a few drinks though and had a great time none the less!

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