Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life Lately

While I've been trying to keep up with my blog more frequently it doesn't always prove easy.  Here are a few things I've been meaning to post but just haven't...

Last month Brylie decided she no longer wanted to do gymnastics.  This was just weeks after she made the pre-team and came as a surprise.  Her reasoning, knowing her past experiences, was not as much of a surprise.  She would absolutely DIE and her legs would fall off if she had to stretch one more day...especially those darn splits! As much as I hated for her to quit, I had to come to the realization that it's not fair for her to do something she doesn't like.  Our newest adventure?  We have reentered the dance world.  She now goes to Hip Hop on Mondays and Tap, Ballet, and Jazz on Tuesdays.  

This decision of course played a role on Katy's gymnastics journey too.  Katy loves gymnastics and wasn't willing to give it up.  Not that I wanted her too since she's so good at it, but I wanted her to have the option.  I took the opportunity to move her to a new gymnastics.  Mitchell's friend that he graduated high school with owns Olympic Dreams Gymnastics in Beaumont and they are well recognized in the competing part, winning lots of awards and medals.  The first day Katy went for her trial class they put her in the Tiny Stars Class for 3 and 4 year olds.  By the time class was over the instructor told us that she would only be in that class for one month in order to learn the new gym and then she would be moved up to the advanced class.  After only 2 weeks in the class they told me this week that she was moving up to the advance class.  They also informed me that she is so far ahead of the others for her age that by summer time she will begin competing on a team.  At first she will only compete for ribbons and fun but then once she turns 5 she will be competing for the real deal.  Talk about WOW!  We always knew she was really good but didn't know she was THAT good.  

So Katy now goes to gymnastics on Tuesdays and since she loves to be on her sister's bandwagon, goes to Tap and Ballet on Thursdays.   They both still go to Awanas on Wednesdays and Kidz Connection on Sundays (both at our church).  

As for myself, I have become quite the bird fanatic over the last few months.  I now have 4 finch feeders, 5 wild bird feeders, 4 hummingbird feeders, and 2 bird baths all in my front yard.  I have had an overwhelming response to all my feeders.  Everyday my yard is swarming with cardinals, blue jays, robins, squirrels, and others I have no idea what they are.  I've become so old that I now enjoy eating my breakfast while watching all my birds out the windows.  

Here is one of my finch feeders all filled up....

Bella is very fond of this new hobby too!  She sits at the window all day in hopes of one finding it's way inside!  (good luck Bella Shea!)

We got to go bowling with Mitchell's employees the other night.  The girls had a blast!

The latest fashion statement these days is fake glasses.  We of course HAD to get some when we were at Claire's over the weekend.  So my children now sport some lovely glasses most places we go!  They think they are divias (especially Brylie)!

For final news, Katy and Brylie spent the night at their cousin Jessye's house over the weekend for her birthday.  While this is not really news for Brylie, it was Katy's first time to spend the night with someone other than family.  Yes, I know a cousin is technically family, but you get the point.  I was so proud of her for making it the whole night since she has become attached to my hip lately.  Mitchell and I were even able to have a fun night in Lake Charles at the L'auberge casino where Mitchell won $1000.  We had a lot of fun, and so did these two (at Jessye's)....

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