Friday, March 2, 2012

When It Rains It Pours

Over the span of about a week now, it seems if it's not one thing it's another!

Katy came down with pink eye in one eye last Wednesday.  On Thursday she had it in both eyes.  Thursday night I became really sick with some sort of bug.  I spent all of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and part of Monday unable to keep down anything I ate.  I was super nauseous and really weak spending most of the time in bed.  On Tuesday night Brylie got the magical pink eye.  On Wednesday I took Brylie to the doctor for her eyes and to discuss why she complains so much about her chest hurting, especially after eating.  We left the doctor with pink eye medication and a diagnoses of Acid Re-flux.   She will now be taking a once daily dose of Prevacid.  To top it off, while we were there, the doctor discovered that she has a hole in each of her eardrums.  He told us Perforated Eardrums can be very serious and immediately scheduled us to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor.  Until we see the ENT on Monday, we are to have absolutely no water enter her ears.  He told us that children with multiple tubes or that have had tubes removed can often develop these holes.  The extra bad news is that a lot of times surgery is the only option.  Praying we dodge that bullet!  Late Wednesday night/early morning Thursday (1:30 a.m.), Mitchell totaled his car after loosing a fight with a stray dog and an electrical pole.  Partially thanks to the fact that his power steering had been going out, once he swerved he was unable to re-correct himself.  He managed to split the electrical pole in half, cause a brief fireworks display, and shut the power out for the entire neighborhood for 6 hours.  (He did this less than a mile from our house).  The situation had the potential to be MUCH worse than it was.  He is very lucky to walk away with only a totaled car and a fractured tailbone.  So we got to spend all day Thursday dealing with insurance, towing companies, and all the other aftermath.  Today is Friday, I'm praying that this streak of bad luck is over!

That has been a little inside to our horrible, terrible, no good, very bad week!

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