Monday, July 26, 2010

Brylie's Salvation

I cannot begin to express how overcome with happiness I was when Brylie choose to ask Jesus into her heart! Late last Saturday (July 24th) we were laying in bed together and like most nights she wanted me to tell her the story of Jesus dying on the cross. This and the story of His birthday are her favorites and she loves to hear them over and over again. I have told her this story repeatedly since she was 3. She now is able to tell me the story in full detail.

So when we were lying there and we came to the end of the story I asked her to tell me why Jesus died on the cross. She told me because He loved us and wants us to live with Him in Heaven. I asked her if she remembered what sin was and she explained that it was the bad things people do. She told me that she wanted to go to Heaven and wanted Jesus in her heart. Leading her in prayer she prayed that Jesus forgave her and saved her by coming into her heart so that she could go to Heaven. Just as simple, sweet, and innocent as that she now knows Jesus as her Savior.

I am such a proud Mommy to know that I have led her in the right direction. With the help from Jesus she has learned to live her life for Him and walk in His footsteps. I pray that she will never loose sight of the light that shines down this new path in her life.

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