Monday, August 23, 2010

1st Day of Kindergarten

First Day Of Kindergarten
~Author Unknown~

She started school this morning,
And she seemed so very small.
As I walked there beside her
In the Kindergarten hall.

And as she took her place beside
the others in the class,
I realized how all too soon
Those first few years can pass.

Remembering, I saw her as
She first learned how to walk.
The words that we alone made out
When she began to talk.

This little girl so much absorbed
In learning how to write.
It seems as though she must have grown
To girlhood overnight.

My eyes were blurred by hastily
I brushed the tears away
Lest by some word or sign of mine
I mar her first big day.

Oh how I longed to stay with her
And keep her by the hand
To lead her through the places
That she couldn't understand.

And something closely kin to fear
Was mingled with my pride.
I knew she would no longer be
A baby by my side.

But she must have her chance to live,
To work her problems out,
The privilege to grow and learn
What life is all about.

And I must share my little girl
With friends and work and play;
She's not a baby anymore --
She's in Kindergarten today.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Off to Kindergarten...

Wow! I cannot not believe that my little Brylie Bugs will start Kindergarten in the morning. It doesn’t even seem possible. I don't know how I am ever going to get through the morning. She was already crying when she went to bed tonight. :( I really hope that she doesn't cry tomorrow. It will make it even harder for me. I pray that she has an amazing day and school year!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meet the Teacher

Well, tonight was Brylie's "Meet the Teacher" at school. She received her letter in the mail yesterday from her teacher Mrs. Oliver in room 004. All day today Brylie was so excited about getting to go tonight. She skipped right up to the school and then the second we made it to her classroom she froze. I literally had to push her in the door. Thankfully her teacher was very sweet and wrapped her arms around her and talked to her in a very low voice for a few minutes. Mrs. Oliver showed Brylie her seat at the "yellow" table and also showed her where circle time was as well as the centers and her locker. We then went and saw the cafeteria, gym, music room, library, and playground. After we left I was of course full of questions about what Brylie thought but she just kept telling me that she didn't want to talk about it. I finally got her to open up while laying in bed with her tonight. She told me she is really nervous about me not being there and nervous about meeting new friends. I really hope that come Monday she doesn't cry. Lord knows I'm going to be a basket case and it will just make it harder for me if I think she's scared.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Trip to the Circus

Last night we took a trip to the circus. The girls had a great time! This was Katy's 1st trip to the circus and only Brylie's 2nd. Katy's favorite were the elephants and Brylie really enjoyed all the dancers in pretty costumes. As you can see, Katy also really, really, really enjoyed the "hog n' candy" (cotton candy). Brylie still insisted it tasted like hair and refused to eat any. All in all we had a wonderful night out with Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mitchell Meets Obama

Words from Mitchell: My lifelong friend Cody who is the Production Manager for the White House got me and Kelsie's dad VIP tickets to be on the ground when Obama landed. We were in a hangar at Dallas Love Field and Air Force One pulls right up in front of us. The Secret Service Agent said that he wasn't scheduled to shake any hands but when he got off the plane he headed right for us. The video I took is a little shaky, especially when he's right in front of me, but it was an amazing experience. I'm posting the video of when I met him and some photos. Enjoy.