Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last "trip" to Lumberton

We made our final trip to Lumberton this weekend. I can’t believe the next time we come we will be moving here. We had a great time this weekend with friends and family. We got to spend the first of many Sunday’s watching football with Jory, Jared, Lucas, and Elena. Actually, Elena and I didn’t watch a bit of football. We instead spent the day shopping and dying our hair lol. On Monday we got to take Brylie to check out her new school. She is so excited! The school is only Kindergarten and First Grade and each of those grades have their own entire building. In between the buildings are the shared portables for music, art, computer lab, etc. The Kindergarten building was super cute! There was artwork by the plenty hanging from every inch of wall and ceiling space possible! We didn’t get to meet Brylie’s teacher yet since they didn’t know what class she would be in yet. On her first day we are suppose to bring her 45 minutes after school starts so that she can get her “royal” welcome with out the craziness of settling in for the morning. She cannot wait to start and meet new friends.

This weekend Papa and Lola were keeping the girl’s cousin Jake at the house as well. The girl’s had a really good time with him. Katy got to stay the remainder of the week and Jake will be there for the week too. They get some extra bonding time together. They are so precious but definitely 2 and often jealous of one another!

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