Saturday, March 26, 2011

South East Texas State Fair

It's Fair Time!  Last night we went out to the State Fair to play and see Nathan and his band The Red Airplanes play.  The kiddos and adults all had a really great time!  Afterwards we all went over to Jory and Elena's to hang out.  Nathan even brought his girlfriend with him, Lacey Brown, former American Idol.  She was very sweet and fun to hang out with.  For those who don't know, Lacey was a Season 9 Idol contestant from Amarillo, Tx.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm 3!

I took Katy to her 3 year checkup today and it went great.  The doctor was amazed that she can already count to 20 and knows all of her letters and their sounds.  She can also write a lot of her letters and spell her name too.  We knew that she was little for her age we just didn't know how little.  Well, she weighed all of 25 1/2 pounds and is 35 inches tall.  That put her in the 8th percentile for height and the 2nd percentile for weight.  Together she is in the 5th percentile for her age.  The doctor said that even though she is quite tiny she is very proportionate and perfectly healthy.  To compare, Brylie was in the 50th percentile for her height and the 45th percentile for her weight at this age.  No shots today, we were already up to date on all vaccinations.  She will have to have 3 shots on her next checkup when she turns 4.  Thankfully we have one year to prepare.  :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Kaytlyn!

Katy had a really great 3rd birthday!  She loved being the "Birthday Girl" and even had a birthday song and dance.  We celebrated her birthday with a garden party (complete with butterflies, critters, and flowers) at the park.  Nana even got to come into town for the celebration.  This was Katy's first birthday party with friends and not just family.  The wind ended up putting a damper on all the decorations I worked so hard on but other than that it was definitely a success!

Nana and Katy

Brylie, Nana, and Katy

"I'm 3"

Miss Priss

 My new see-saw from Nana

    My new sandbox from Mimi

Brylie and Jake 

Katy's "Dirt" Cake

Jake and Katy

Jessye and Brylie

Lighting the cake

Mommy and Elena

Pinata Time

Lessons from Uncle Lucas

Clothes from Papa and Lola

Elena, Tiffiny, Jessica, and Mommy

Basketball Time

Trying out the see-saw