Thursday, March 3, 2011

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

I really cannot get over how much I love it here in Lumberton. I’m no longer skeptical about the choice we made to move here. The scenery is so beautiful and the living environment is peaceful and laid back. We are completely surrounded by pine trees and forests. We got a wild hair on Sunday, (seems like this is becoming a spur of the moment day) and decided to go back out to Village Creek State Park and go canoeing. I have never been before but it is something that will definitely become a new hobby. It was so relaxing and fun! Mitchell had to work longer than we hoped so it was just the girls, Papa and Lola, and me. We set out in two canoes with the girls in one with Papa and then Lola and I in another. The entire 3 mile trip took us right at 2 hours.  We really did have a blast! Let me tell you though, it is a WORKOUT! We went on a really windy day and boy did it kick our booties! Rowing the canoe used a lot of arm muscle and learning to steer, well that was a riot!  I cannot wait for our next trip.  We are going to take the girl's own lifejackets though.  The one's they gave us were a bit too big, especially for Katy.

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