Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Katy's Broken Finger

Yesterday while in the car lane waiting to pick up Brylie from school Katy rolled the window up on her finger.  I of course panicked and sped all the way home with Katy in the backseat (not even in her carseat) with blood run all down her arm.  We got inside and cleaned it as much as I could while dialing the pediatrician's office.  The finger nail was already pulling up from the cuticle line and the finger was turning purple.  The pediatrician sent us straight to the E.R. for xrays and possible stitches.  After the doctor there examined the finger he said that the cuticle had pulled back more than the nail which was good news.  We would not have to do stitches.  The xrays however revealed that the bone was indeed broken just underneath the cuticle.  We now have an appointment with a Bone and Joint doctor first thing tomorrow morning.  Our big, tough Katy cried no more than the first 30 seconds in which the whole thing happened.  She didn't even cry when the nurses were picking away at the dried blood to reveal where it had severed the nail or even when they were cleaning it with alcohol.  The man at the discharge desk couldn't believe that hadn't had to sedate her.  She is definitly a champ!  When we got home of course Brylie was extreamly concerned for her little sister.  Katy thought it was great that her finger was broken and not Brylie's.  Her biggest concern so far....that the dressing on her finger is too big for her finger to fit in her nose for picking.  She's such a ham!

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