Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bus # 7

I was very hesitant at first but Brylie is an official bus rider!  With my home preschool taking off faster than I anticipated, I had to make new arrangements for Brylie getting to and from school.  At first when I only had a couple of kiddos I would just load them up and we would all go together to make the school runs.  However, I am no longer able to fit everyone in my car.  After weighing our different options we decided that Brylie riding the bus was the best choice for all.  Thankfully she has really taken to the change and doesn't mind the bus.  She is very lucky because our location makes her the last one picked up in the morning and the first one dropped of in the afternoon.  She leaves around 6:45 (school starts at 7:20) and she is home no later than 3:00 (school gets out at 2:20 but they pick up the primary school kiddos before heading home).  Therefore she is really not on the bus much more than needed.  She rides bus # 7 with Mrs. Cravy and she sits in seat # 10.  Sitting is seat # 10 means Brylie gets to ride at the back of the bus which she loves because it makes the ride extra bumpy.  The bus she rides is only for the elementary and primary school so therefore the oldest children on the bus are 3rd graders.  This provides mommy some relief knowing that she is not being mixed with much older children and at the same time she gets to meet other children her age that live in our neighborhood.  So far it is working out GREAT!  Here are just a couple of pictures of her first time riding the bus.  I didn't get many good one's because Mitchell was taking the pictures and I had woken him up BRIGHT and EARLY to do so.

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