Wednesday, May 23, 2012

End of the Year Craziness

Like every year, the end of the school year has left us jammed packed with events to go to.

To start, Brylie had her end of the year field trip. They got to go to the movies to see the new Chimpanzee movie.  Parents were not invited to attend the movie for space reasons but Katy and I were excited to join them afterwards for an end of year party.

Next up on the event list was our end of the year Awanas awards at church.

Jenna, Mya, and Brylie
The next to Brylie is Mya, her BFF, but all three girl's were in the same class at school this year.

Love these girls!

She's a mess!

Next on the agenda was Brylie's Field Day.  Ok, we all know that anything dealing with sports is not this girl's thing.  While she tried her hardest at the events while we were there, she was the ONLY first grader that "checked out" of Field Day early.  Yes, my child was too hot, sweaty, her feet ached, and on and she decided half way through she would rather come home and hang out with mommy.  And that's just what she did!  Bless her heart she is just not cut out for anything athletic!

Her favorite "event"

Finally, we had the First Grade Awards.  I am so proud of Brylie!  She received awards for perfect attendance in 2 out of 4 nine week periods, A-B honor roll, completing on first grade (duh) and most improved reader.  

And that has been all the craziness life has thrown at us lately.  Not to mention the fact that we have also moved during all the chaos too.  (more on that later)  Tomorrow is the last day of school and we couldn't be happier!  Summer vacation here we come!

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