Monday, March 29, 2010

Brylie's Home

Well, my Brylie Bugs came home on Friday! Man was she excited to see me! It made feel so good to know I am that loved. She sure does miss her sister though. We are going to pick up my Sweet Kate on Thursday and neither of us can wait! I spent all day Friday shopping with my Mommy for new clothes for the girls. Man did we come out with a haul! Each girl got 18 outfits! Most of them of course match. Hey, I have to match them while I can! It won’t be long before Brylie decides it is so not cool to match her cute little sister. Friday night we went to Uncle Ben and Aunt Ammie’s for another “project”. Amity and I decided to try our crafty thumb at making boutique hair bows to match each of the girls new outfits. Much to our surprise they turned out great! Of course however we choose to make nothing simple. Instead of making your basic “big” bows, we made double and triple-decker bows. We just couldn’t decide on only one ribbon that would coordinate with each outfit so we chose multiple. But what can I say, I’ll have the cutest little girls in town!

Last night we went bowling for a family night with Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa, and Brylie. It was Brylie first time to ever bowl and boy did she have fun! She even beat me by 30 points her first game! She had bumpers of course, but so did I after that first game! I couldn’t let a 4 year old show me up! J After about 3 games Brylie met up with the 2 little boys playing next to us and decided to make some new friends. While the rest of continued bowling they played hide and seek together. (The bowling alley was completely empty to one side of us). Then they turned off all the lights and turned on the strobe lights and cranked up the music. The three of them stood right under the strobe lights and started dancing. It was so funny to watch these two little boys break dancing and then Brylie twirling around like the princess she is.

Tomorrow we have to get up extra early to take Bella to get spaded and declawed and then it’s a girls day at the hair salon for Brylie and me. The weather is suppose to be great again so maybe we can get some sunshine. Only 2 more days until Katy comes home!

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