Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Missing My Princesses

The girls are still on "vacation" and I am greatly missing them! Katy is in Lumberton visiting Papa and Lola, and Brylie is in Lubbock visiting Mimi and Papa. Papa and Lola were able to break Katy of the paci since she has been there. Thank goodness! I tried but of course couldn't resist giving in. Brylie was so much easier when it came to breaking her. We told her the train at Nana's house took and that was it, the end. She never even cried for it. Katy on the other hand "broke" hers and then spent the entire night sobbing herself to sleep. On night two I couldn't take it any longer and finaly caved to her sweet cries. It's just so hard to have to listen to your baby crying, especially knowing you could easily calm her. So I guess that's what Papa and Lola's are for....the tough stuff. Now if they could get her potty trained I would be one happy momma! Brylie called me again today to check in on me. She just sounds so grown up when I talk to her on the phone now. It's crazy! Mimi took her to the park yesterday where she met a new little friend. She told me all about how the ice cream man came and Mimi bought her ice cream but the other little girls mommy told her no so she was crying. She was so sincere sounding towards the other girl's feelings. Today she got to go with Mimi to the Science Spectrum. She told me the big bubbles were her favorite part. I can't wait until my girls are home. I get so lonely with no one to kiss goodnight and read bedtime stories to. (Mitchell's not the same lol). I did get pictures of both the girls having fun on their trips. It is so rewarding to know that they are loved so much and taken great care of even when they are far from home....

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