Brylie and I went to pick Miss Kaytlyn up today! Nearly 2 weeks without seeing my Sweet Kate was way too long! Brylie was so excited to see her sister. It was so funny on the way there she told me that she was "just really nervous about seeing Katy". When I asked her why she told me, "because, Katy might be like my age now". Boy that little girl is sooo
DRAMATIC some times. She cracks me up. When Brylie first got out of the car she ran up to her sister and told her to give her a kiss. Katy told her no then stuck her fingers in her ears and pressed her lips together while spitting. I don't think the feelings of being reunited were very mutual lol. Oh well, we got home and they played as if they were long lost friends. They can be so sweet and yet so vicious at the same.
Today also happened to be April Fools Day. Thanks to Caillou (the cartoon), Brylie was well aware of the purpose of the day. She kept telling me she could'nt wait to trick me. When we got home from picking Katy up I removed a glass of milk from the freezer (I had put it there the night before) and topped it off with unfrozen milk. Of course when Bryie went to drink it she got one little swallow and then nothing but ice. Ha! April Fools Brylie! She thought it was funny. She said, "Man, you got me alright!" Of course then for the next 30 minutes she brought me drinks with "hidden" objects in them. (Goldfish, gummie bears...) She loved the fact that she thought she was really tricking me.
Being her first night back I was really hoping Katy would have possibly forgotten about getting out of bed umpteen times each night at bedtime. I was fact tonight was really rough. As soon as I laid her down the first time she began screaming, "Mommy". I stood my ground and walked out and shut the door in an attempt not to cave to her cries. She came running out sobbing and still calling my name. She never really does that. Usually she just comes back out with her blanket, Elmo, and Sally (her doll) all in tow and then stands there staring at me until I get up and put her back in her bed. This of course goes on
at least 15 times a night. I have been trying the Super Nanny approach and just continuously put her back in bed without making conversation with her. So far I haven't had much luck with it, although Super Nanny did say it can take up to 2 consecutive weeks before it begins to work. With her going out of town we really haven't given it the "allotted" time so I'm game for continuing to try. Anyways, back to tonight, I just had to give in to her cries...just tonight. I mean after all it was her first night home. I felt so bad for her....she just missed her Mommy....right? I went in and sat down with her on her bed and rocked her in my arms. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. Sadly she had gotten herself so worked up that the poor baby sobbed the entire time I rocked her. I really don't mind rocking her. She is my baby. It is so sweet to rock her and listen to her breathe and smell the sweet scent of freshly washed hair and a soft body wrapped in baby lotion. I know I'm just setting myself up for a bad habit but like I said, she is my baby.
After Katy was in bed, Mitchell, Brylie, and I began to fill and tape together nearly 500 Easter eggs for Mitchell's company party. It was a very tedious process but we got it done. Brylie started out helping me stuff the eggs while Mitchell taped them, but she quickly discovered that throwing them in the big box after they were taped was a lot more fun.
Tomorrow is supposed to make for a rainy, stormy day. Yuck! Not my favorite kind of weather! Brace yourself Mollie, looks like we're in for a day of cuddling and calming each others fears! Until then...Goodnight.....