Today we adventured outside for some much needed sunshine. The girls put on their bathing suits and played in the sprinklers. The water was FREEZING! Brylie didn't mind a bit but Kaytlyn got cold rather quickly and decided sun bathing was a lot better. I love how a hot sun and a little water play can make for two very sleepy girls at bedtime. It sure makes our routine run smoother.
A couple of days ago I ordered 4 new books on discipline. I am really trying hard to find what works with Brylie before she goes to Kindergarten. I really don't want to be the parent in the Principal's office every week. It's not that she is that bad of a kid she is just very DRAMATIC, and strong-willed. Once she falls apart she really falls apart. She turns into a complete whinny mess with no return. She is so smart and I really don't want it to affect her in school. I am hoping that one of these books is going to really help me. I got the first one in the mail today, "Setting Limits With Your Strong-Willed Child". The very first chapter describes a strong-willed child as one who tests harder, resists longer, protests louder, uses more drama, and carries things further than one can imagine. Wow! Now I'm thinking that they didn't give the definition of strong-willed, they gave the definition of Brylie! It even mentions that strong-willed is a temperament a child is born with. It talks about the colicky child and how that is one of the first clues of this personality trait. Yep, colicky was definitely something we went through with our little princess. Oh how I remember the nights when she would scream for hours on end. Once she finally screamed herself into a comma Mitchell and I were afraid to even breathe with the risk of waking her up. Hopefully as I continue reading I will pick up some really useful techniques that will work for her.
Kaytlyn so far has not proven to be as "strong-willed" as Brylie. However, my Sweet Kate is so very accident prone. The poor thing just can't catch a break. Bless her heart she is the toughest little girl though. Most of the time she never even cries. The other day the girls were outside playing and she scuffed her toe on the sidewalk. I didn't even notice it until later when I was fixing her shoes and noticed it was bleeding. She had scraped the skin right off. Now if this had happened to Brylie, she wouldn't have been able to walk for at least and hour and wouldn't be able to take a bath for a week. Saturday I pulled Katy out of the bathtub, dried her off, then set her down to get Brylie out. She climbed up on a stool to get some lotion and fell off right on her face. She got her first bloody nose. She wasn't even crying over her nose however, she was crying because she still wanted some lotion. Then Saturday night she scraped her knee at Ammie's house and never even told anyone. I noticed it when we sat down for dinner and saw it was bleeding. Today I accidentally slammed her finger in the door. I stuck my head outside to tell Mitchell something and then shut it before I even knew she was there. I felt so awful. It turned black and purple and swelled up horribly. She only cried for a minute but quit as soon as I put ice on it. To top it off we discovered today that she is allergic to sunscreen. I'm going to have to find some that is hypoallergenic. She broke out in a rash all over where I had put it on. It was even the kind for babies. It is definitely trial and error with what she can use and what she can't.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a much more relaxed day! Just in case it isn't I better go catch up on some sleep!
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