What a wet and yucky Saturday! The girls didn’t let it stop them from playing outside! They put their rain boots on and away they went on a puddle-jumping quest.
Today was day 3 with NO NAP for either of the girls. I don’t mind so much with Brylie since I really need to break her before she starts Kindergarten anyway but Katy is nowhere near ready to be nap free. (For her sake and my own!) I finished one of the new books I got on discipline. Supernanny’s “How to Get the Best from Your Children.” It was a really great book full of lots of neat ideas. One of the ideas it talks about is using a “naughty mat”. A child receives 2 warnings for inappropriate behavior and then the third time they sit on the naughty mat. It is basically the same as a time out. The difference is that a naughty mat is a designated space and it also goes with us wherever we go. So today during our naptime battle I tried using it on Katy. The first couple of times she refused to lay down I put her on the naughty mat and then went back to lay down with Brylie. Katy would go and “hide” the mat from me and then come get back in bed. Each time she started to act up I immediately placed her back on the mat. After a few times of this she decided she was going to be in control of her own naughty mat. She crawled out of bed and said, “No night night, Katy go to naughty mat.” She went in and sat on the naughty mat for a couple minutes then came back to the bedroom and said, “Katy be a good girl now.” She would crawl back in bed for a few seconds then start it over again. Finally after many failed attempts I gave up on naptime yet again. I know, I know, I’m not suppose to give up because it lets her know she won…..but Supernanny failed to mention what to do if your child puts themselves on the mat to avoid a naptime. So we will try again tomorrow! Besides, if I reason with myself I figure the girls both end up going to bed around 6:30 and I have the entire night to myself.
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