Boy do I have a lot to talk about! It’s been over a week since I last blabbed on about our lives so I’ve got some catching up to do!
To start, last, last weekend Mimi came to visit us. The girls are always so excited to see her when she comes. We had a very nice 3 days with her. I couldn’t ask for a better mother-in-law. Of course I got to sleep in which is always very wonderful! Sunday I got to go with Amity to register for baby Carson. I still can’t get over the fact that she is having a boy lol. Much to my surprise it was lots of fun looking at all the little boy things. It was very different from shopping for all the frilly girl stuff. In fact, I must admit that it made me think of what it would be like to have our own little boy. It would definitely stir things up a bit. I do know that looking at baby things was the LAST thing I needed to help my “baby fever”. I really do miss having a baby in the house. After all, Brylie has been begging for a baby brother….then again our luck we would have yet another DRAMATIC little princess. Of course that would be fine too but I know how much Mitchell wants a boy.
After Mimi left on Monday, it was time to start packing for our trip to Sea World, San Antonio. The car ride down there couldn’t end soon enough. We were all so eager to hurry and get to Sea World. Once we finally arrived we had a really great time. When we first got there Brylie insisted on riding a roller coaster first. Yes, my child insists on riding roller coasters as opposed to seeing the animals, which was why we were there to begin with. However, this trip is about the kiddos so the roller coaster it was. After that we let the girls cool off in the water area while we waited for our first show to start. Believe it or not, Brylie was actually frightened by the dolphins jumping around. Once she got used to it she loved it. Katy was so amazed by it she cheered, laughed, clapped, and danced the entire time. After our first show I took Brylie on a much bigger water ride. It went waaayyy up high then spun you around backwards, shot you down a hill, spun you back around, took you waaayyy up high again, and released you into a big pool of water that of course splashed/soaked us. Needless to say, Brylie did not like it very well. We then moved on to see the whale show. We sat right up close and got what I believe to have been the best seats in the house. When Shamu came up and splashed us with his big tail we got SOAKED! It was so funny watching the girl’s reactions. All Katy talked about for the rest of the day was Shamu splashing her eyes. We then saw the alligators and penguins then headed back to the hotel to check in. That evening we went down to the heated pools to let the girls swim. The kiddie pool only got up to 1.5 feet deep which was perfect. Even Katy got used to it and swam her little heart out. That night the girls crashed HARD. The next morning we woke up to a very sick Grandma. She had gotten too much heat from the day before and it left her bed ridden for the remainder of the trip. So Nana, the girls, and I went back to Sea World while she rested. This trip we got to see the dolphins, sharks, aquariums, and sea lions. The sea lions were my favorite. I even got to feed them dead fish. It was so funny to watch them beg and bark like dogs. We then took both the girls on the log ride. It was Katy’s first roller coaster ride and she loved it. She especially loved going down the bigger hills and getting splashed. After day 2 of Sea World we went back to the hotel to do some more swimming. That evening we decided to cut the trip short by a day and take Grandma home. We had an awesome vacation!
Friday of course was my birthday! I cannot get over being in my upper 20s. I guess it is so weird because I can remember when my mom was in her upper 20s. To this day I can remember her having blue Garfield pajamas that said she was 28. Now I’m the mommy making memories for my own children. Saturday we took Brylie to her friend Kendal’s birthday party then went to Aunt Ammie’s for a gathering. Ha! See, I just called a party a gathering. I am getting old lol. Brylie ended up running fever that night so we came home a bit early. Sunday was spent resting then it was back to Aunt Ammie’s for a Memorial Day celebration. Brylie, Katy, and Lexi enjoyed swimming and playing on the slip n slide.
Whew! I told you there was a lot of catching up to do! I will end by saying that Brylie managed to pass her cold on to Katy and myself so now we are one miserable group. We all have fever, runny noses, the sneezes, body aches, and sore throats. What a way to end a very nice week and a half. I hope you enjoyed ALL the pictures!
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