The girls finally came home Thursday! I was so excited to see them. It always amazes me how much they can grow in a short amount of time when they aren't home. I guess it is because I'm not looking at them every day. We were so grateful that John (Papa) was able to bring them home and stay the night so that he could help Mitchell get some more things done around the house. They got the new washing machine installed right away and then started working on the stove. That was project! Our existing stove was a drop-in so it actually sat up on about a 4 inch base board. They had to cut into the wall and counters and remove the base board just to get it in. They didn't even attempt to install the microwave. That is going to have to be a project for my Daddy. While they were busy working on their projects Brylie and I went to pick up the girl's new bunk beds and to pick out bedding. Being her first day back it was great to spend some one on one time with her. Letting her help pick out their new bedding was a trip! She was soooo picky lol! I would find something that I thought was cute and she would tell me it was "too bumpy" or "not soft enough." We went to 4 different stores before she finally found what she wanted. I will admit that she has good taste and the new bedding is super cute! Back home it took the boys 2 whole hours to put the beds together. The girls love them!
On Friday I put the guys to work moving furniture around. We got the entertainment center, china hutch, and lots of boxes all moved, unpacked, and put in their places. Our poor garbage men had another overwhelming load this week.
I finally let the guys take a break and go to Billy Bob's with Katy while Brylie and I stayed home to try and get some more done. The foundation repair company came out and we are all set up to get the house leveled within the next 2 weeks. Then we will be able to move forward with installing new floors. Trust me, even after a long weekend of working on this house we are still far from finished. I have to finish unpacking the hundreds of boxes I had packed up, finish painting the girl's room, hang stuff on the walls, and at some point find time to fold the giant mountain of laundry that has been stacking up. Once all that is complete we will move on to remodeling the bathroom, mudroom, and our bedroom. These projects seem to never end lol.
The pictures this time are some more that Papa and Lola took while the girls were there.
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