Monday, December 14, 2009

Another Monday

I really do believe that Monday's should be considered part of the weekend. I of course over slept this morning which just threw me into full Monday mode that I never seemed to recover from.

I just put Brylie to bed and quickly remembered why life is so much easier when I just let her sleep in bed with Mommy and Daddy. She insisted that the only way she would sleep in her own bed was if Bella slept with her. So I carried them both to her bed and wouldn't you know Bella jumped into Katy's bed. Oh Lord, let the drama begin! Katy began to giggle a half a sleep giggle then wrapped her arms around Bella as tight as she could. As soon as Brylie let out a whoa is me wail Katy hid Bella underneath her covers. I finally had to take Bella out of the bedroom and tuck my now wide awake little girls back into bed. In fact right this very moment I hear the sound of little voices. Oh well, at least I can say Brylie is in her own bed....for now.

Brylie and I had a fun night of making her very first gingerbread house and a Christmas tshirt. She was so detail oriented when it came to her gingerbread house. She's going to be just like her Mama. :) She insisted that each piece of candy was perfectly placed. I'm going to attempt to make Katy's Christmas shirt tomorrow. For some reason trying to make painted handprints with a 21 month old doesn't scream "good idea". I figure it's worth a try!

Tomorrow is Brylie's Christmas performance at school. She told me that she was going to act silly for the camera. I hope she at least sings and doesn't try to take out anyone around her if they get in her space. She already told me that she doesn't want anyone smushing her.

Friday we will celebrate Christmas with Nana, Grandma, and Grandpa. I told Brylie this and she immediately asked if she was on the "nice" list. Funny that she had to ask to make sure. Saturday we will head to celebrate with Mimi and Papa. I'm just glad that they will first open their new portable DVD players from Nana. It will make the 10 hours (5 there, 5 back) we will be in the car go by much faster!

Well I guess I can finally go to bed, I don't hear anymore restless children. Looks like Bella will be sleeping with me...

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