Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lazy Day

Today was a much needed "lazy day". The girls have been sick all week and now of course Mommy has come down with it. Katy got to go shopping today with Aunt Ammie while Brylie and Mommy took a 4 hour nap. It's amazing how wore out you get when you are sick. I think a tornado could have come roaring through and neither of us would have even flinched.

I took the girls to go see Santa last weekend. I was so excited that neither of them got scared this year. After Brylie told Santa how good she had been he decided to drop by that night and bring her an early Christmas surprise ;). Brylie was so excited to find everything she needed to get a new kitty. Santa even left her a map showing her exactly where to pick her up at. We went after school to pick up the newest member of family. Brylie named her new kitty Bella after her Bella, Bella, Dancerella movie. You have no idea how hard it was to find a kitten that matched Brylie's criteria. She insisted it had to be all white and of course a girl. Once we finally found one, I didn't want to lose out on getting it which is why Santa delivered early. I will post the pictures of Brylie and Bella tomorrow.

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