Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 3 of Remodeling

It is an exhausting 1:30 in the morning and we have just wrapped up day 3 of our remodel. Our day started at 9:30 this morning with a few outside projects. Jordan came over to help and we are so grateful for that! We cleaned up all the scrap wood and metal that has been laying up against the house for over a year now. We also completely cleaned out from under the carport. Then we trimmed up all the trees and mowed the yard. Thank goodness it was trash day! We had soooo much junk out by the curb we actually felt so bad that we tipped the garbage men $20. Our pile consisted of old tires, lumber, 3 doors, metal scraps, a huge broken bench, sticks, logs, leaves, a broken a/c unit, old toys, boxes of the junk I cleaned out of storage, plus our normal amount of weekly trash. It was insane! The pile took up nearly 1/3 of our front yard. We were outside mowing when we saw the garbage truck coming so we all ran inside and hid lol. We were all peeking out the window wondering if they were actually crazy enough to pick it all up. Once we realized they were we conned Jordan into taking them a tip.

Next on the list was yet another trip to Home Depot. This time we got new 2 inch blinds for the living room, more paint and paint brushes, a jigsaw and blades, more lumber for our new tables, and a few other odds and ends.

Back home we immediately got to work. Mitchell put his new jigsaw to use and cut a hole in the front porch for our new porch light. Once that was up we got busy painting again. We are sooo close to having the entire living room painted. We just have to finish the trim and paint the built in book case. We also have to paint the big wooden wall for the umpteenth time. That darn wood is soaking up the paint like crazy! We even had to make a second trip to Home Depot for even more paint...and light bulbs for the new porch light.

We were also very grateful tonight that our friend Heath came over to give us a lesson on how he paints and distresses rustic furniture like the pros do. I have done small projects in the past by the method of trial and error but we wanted an experts opinion before we ruin our expensive furniture. After we had a good idea of his techniques some how him and Mitchell ended up sneaking out to the front porch for a social session. I was left alone to continue painting. I painted every door and door frame and base board we have throughout the living and play rooms. They are all a very sterile white.

Everything is starting to really come together. Tomorrow we are going to get up early and go help my Dad paint on some of his job sites. Then we are going to make ANOTHER trip to Home Depot to pick up our crown molding for the living room. It comes in such long strips that we have to have my Dad's trailer to haul it.

Still no pictures yet. I just haven't had the time to stop and load them. Well I better go drag myself to bed. I need to be as well rested as possible for another day of all work and no play. :)

P.S. I would like to give a VERY SPECIAL thank you to Papa and Lola for keeping the girls for us this week during our remodeling. Lord only knows the chaos that we would have with two little girls and four extra "helping" hands. You gotta love grandparents!

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