Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Job as "Mommy"

Being a mommy has blessed me in so many ways over the last almost 5 years. It gives you a feeling that is near impossible to describe. I love my girls with all my heart and they are my world. Along with being the biggest joy in my life, parenting is also of course the biggest challenge. As a parent you constantly feel as if others are judging and grading your parenting skills. While I may not score a perfect A+ on things like discipline I can guarantee I score beyond that on love. I realize that the girls are often wild and forget their listening ears but name a child of their age that doesn't sport the same characteristics to some degree. Does it make us bad parents? Some may think so but I don't. Mitchell and I give our girls everything under the sun within reach. They are loved unconditionally there is no doubt about that. I believe that I have succeeded in the most important job I have as a parent. I have taught my children about Jesus and I am bringing them up in a Christian home. They are learning to follow Jesus and will one day walk with Him in faith. So while they may run circles and be a little dramatic and whinny, they are also children of God and they are my children of God. This is my journey. No one elses. I have learned that each day when I wake up to the most beautiful little girls that I have been blessed with God’s most perfect gift. I have learned to take each obstacle day by day. Whether that obstacle is a whinny four year old or a tantrum throwing two year old my obstacles will be faced with Jesus. I am never alone on the decisions I make for my family. They are God's gift to me and I will therefore always raise them in a way that honors Him. I pray that my girls have a magical journey and seek God with every step. I don't need others to judge or question my parenting skills. The only judge I need is God and in His eyes I know that I am doing a good job.

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