Sunday, January 23, 2011

Girl's Night

Tonight was divided into girl's night and guy's night.  The guy's had a going away party for Nathan over at Jory's so we made plans for the girl's to hang out at Mitchell's house.  Jared dropped Kylee off so he could go to the party.  Katy and Kylee had a BLAST together!  They sat on the floor and played with the doll house forever.  Poor Brylie felt a little left out.  Jessica was suppose to bring Lanie and Myla over so that she would have a playmate too but they were tired and backed out.  Elena and Peyton came over though to join our chaos so we decided to put Despicible Me on for the girls to watch.  Needless to say they all had a pretty fun night.  They are now all snuggled into their sleeping bags and fast asleep....zzzzzzzzzzz.........

Uncle Jared love

Goofy Girl

Brylie driving the "bus"

 Kisses for Peyton

Movie Time

One out...Two to go

and done....

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