Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello 2011!

News Years Eve was a lot of fun.  We went over to Jory and Elena's house to ring in 2011.  Lucas and Jessica weren't able to make it since little Myla was born the night before.  (By the way she is adorable!) We did get to hang out with Nathan and Ryan which is always a trip.  It was especially fun being in a town that actually allows fireworks.  I think everyone in Lumberton was shooting off fireworks.  Even the great big ones.  It was like we were part of a neighborhood competition.  :) 

Since the New Year we have spent a lot of time with Elena and Jory.  We have had game nights, movie nights, and attempting to go into labor nights.  Elena and I have even spent 2 nights in the hospital again with her contractions.  Sunday night we were there from 1:00 in the morning until around 7:00.  The baby's heart rate had dropped so they ended up doing an ultrasound.  Turns out Elena has started to loose fluid but the doctor isn't concerned since her due date is this week.  They estimated he ways about 7 llbs right now.  It is still just a waiting game now.  Her contractions are off the charts but she is refusing to dilate.  We have tried everything and I do mean EVERYTHING!!  (Castor Oil, Red Leaf Tea, Primrose Oil, etc.)  Little Peyton is just holding on for dear life in there.  Hopefully this will be the week though!

Brylie went back to school yesterday but she was excited to see her friends and teacher.  It's always hard to get back in the school groove but at least Brylie was happy to adapt. 

2011 is off to a great start!  We are looking forward to what God has in store for us this year!

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