Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here's to a New Year and a New Baby

2012 is off to a great start and some great news!  Mitchell and I are expecting baby # 3!  We are so thrilled to become a family of 5!  It is CRAZY to think that we will actually be going back to the baby stage but it will so be worth it!  That in fact was one of the BIGGEST decision makers we had to over come with deciding to try again or not.  The girls are at the perfect age for us to do just about anything we want.  I have always said I wanted a big family and I LOVE how Brylie and Katy are BEST FRIENDS!  If we did have another then I didn't want to wait too much longer so that they could all still be pretty close in age.  Speaking of the girls, they are so super excited!  I was a little hesitant to tell them so early at first but Mitchell and I couldn't stand it.  Katy has since told everyone that she is a big sister!  I of course haven't been to the doctor yet, but we are guessing I will be due around September 17th.  We have soooo much to do this time around since I got rid of just about everything baby when we moved.  I have the swing and exersaucer and that's about it!  I do still have the bathtub, carseat, and boppy and of course some clothes but they are all PINK!  If it's a boy we will really be starting from scratch!  Oh well, it will be fun to go "baby shopping".  First things first, it looks like I will be needing a bigger car!  I can finally get my Minivan I've been eyeballing forever!  I cannot wait to be "that mom" lol!  Many more updates to come!!!!

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