Sunday, January 8, 2012

Our Christmas Vacation

Our 2011 Christmas Vacation was full of exciting events!

 We went to the girls church Christmas performance "Arrest These Merry Gentlemen"

With the lifted Burn Ban we were finally able to have a backyard bonfire...and roast some marshmallows!

We went to Brylie's class Christmas Party (it was pajama day)

 This is Brylie and her BFF Mya

and this is Brylie and her teacher Mrs. Ratcliff...we love her!

 Here we are at Grandma and Grandpa's opening presents

 and now here is our annual trip to the Prairie Lights with my Dad...

We took the girl's ice skating for the first time.  It was a total blast!  Brylie was a natural and little Katy even eventually got the hang of it!  This is one tradition that will definitely be continued!

 Here we are at the annual Chinese Christmas with Mitchell's Dad's side of the family.  I was so excited that my Dad was able to go with us this year.

 Santa (Uncle Jeff) always visits and brings all of the kids a gift.

 Opening gifts Christmas Eve:

 Baking those yummy cookies for Santa: issue lol.  Not sure why it won't let me space out the few pics above, but they are from Christmas morning.

The pictures below are more of all the previous events.  They came from my Grandfather's camera so they are a little misplaced:

Katy and Elfie...she was pretty inseparable from our Elf on the Shelf this year.  In fact she still talks about him...and blames things on him EVERYDAY! 

More Ice Skating:

 Brylie is dying laughing at the fact that Mitchell fell down:

I love these girls!

Well that was our Christmas Vacation in a nut shell!  We had a great time getting to just relax and be a family together without all the hustle of work and school.  We started some new traditions and carried on some old ones!

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