Friday, July 2, 2010


Well, the girls left again today for yet another summer vacation! This time they headed west to Lubbock to visit Mimi and Papa. Like always they were very excited to go! It rained the entire trip both there and back. In fact the weather was so yucky on the way back that my normal 2 1/2 hour car trip took me over 4 hours! I was more than ready to be home outta that car and outta that rain! On the way down there Brylie kept telling Katy and me to "duck" every time we went under an over pass. Like all her games she takes this one very seriously. I was laughing so hard because every time she shouted "duck" Katy would look out the window and say, "where's a quack quack?". Brylie would of course get very annoyed that Katy missed out on the actual ducking part. They did this over and over again while I just sat there cracking up at them.

I'm sure going to be missing my little princesses this week again! But boy do I need an extra week to get this house in working order! I thought that since most of the painting was done in the main areas of the house and that since we would be able to start putting everything back in their places that I wouldn't have a problem doing so this past week with the girls home. My little "helpers" proved me way wrong! I think the only thing we accomplished this past week (aside from passing around sore throats, pink eye, and mysterious hives) was create a bigger disaster! I really did think my mom was going to fall over dead when she stopped by earlier in the week and caught site of what looked like the aftermath of a tornado. So thanks again to our wonderful family I have been granted one more week to conquer this natural disaster.

As soon as I got home I immediately got to work! I almost have the entire living room put together. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but trust me it is! Mitchell even finally got around to hanging up the new mini blinds. I'm so glad that the neighbors no longer have an open view into our everyday lives. I am hoping to prove myself successful this week...only time will tell. :)

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