I cannot believe my little girl is 5 years old! We had a great time celebrating with friends and family at Olive Garden. She loved all her presents, her over-sized cake, and the endless amount of attention she received. After our Olive Garden outing we came home and put together her trampoline from Nana. Unfortunately we decided that we wanted a bigger one so Mitchell's hard work was all "unfolded" back into the box. We ended up getting the 14ft one and spent Sunday putting it together. Once it was together the 4 of us spent over 2 hours jumping together. We even placed the sprinkler underneath it (just like the old days) to add to our fun. I am pretty sure Mitchell and I had just as much if not more fun then the girls did. I definitely woke up really sore the next morning though!
To complete Brylie's birthday weekend we topped it off by going to Hurricane Harbor today with Papa and Lola. We had a really great time even though we caught some rain and had to cut our time a little short. The girls decided they wanted to go to Beaumont with Papa and Lola for the week so now Mitchell and I are once again kidless. I am already missing them but I know that with school starting soon it will put a stop to all of Brylie's many travels. I figure it's one more mini vacation for her before she starts her school career.
On a side note I am so excited that we have finally found a new church home. We have been church "shopping" lately and when we went to visit Heather and the kiddos earlier in the week she suggested we visit her church. So Sunday we took her up on her offer and our so glad we did! One of the most important things we have been looking for is a great children's program. I was really impressed with the program they had to offer. After we got the girls all set up in the computer system we went to check out their classrooms. We went down a hall with 2 humongous rooms one to the left and one to the right. Each large room then breaks off into several smaller classrooms. On the right side (Katy's side) the large room add playhouses galore, a bike carousel, climbing structures, and toys, toys, toys. Then the smaller rooms had even more fun toys. The children get to play in the big rooms and then break off into the smaller rooms for their lesson. The left side where we took Brylie had the same concept. This big room however had over a dozen tables each with a different hands on activity to explore. They get to play here until rally time. During rally time Heather leads them all in praise and worship during the same time the adults are having their own worship in "big church". After the worship time they break off into their smaller rooms for their lesson. It truly was amazing! Mitchell and I really enjoyed our service as well. We felt right at home and felt very relaxed and comfortable. The message was great too. We will definitely be going back and will soon start classes to become a member. I am really excited to start this new journey!
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