Whew! What a week! The girls came home from MiMi's last Friday and we have been busy, busy, busy ever since! We spent the weekend just relaxing around the house and beginning to regroup from all the girl's travels. We have gone to work with my Dad everyday this week. I am grateful that Robyn has started working with me it definitely makes it a lot more fun. :) I am pretty sure we have painted more this week than ever before! It is exhausting but fun. However, when I get to come home and work on all the paint projects I've got going on here it sure does make for a lot of paint!
Matt and Robyn got to come over for a game night Thursday night. We grilled out and really enjoyed the company. They even brought baby Miley which was a real treat for the girls. The absolutely loved getting to play with her. After Katy went to bed Brylie spent the entire night holding and playing with Miley. She was so sweet. She held her, rocked her, fed her a bottle, made funny faces at her, and just plain loved on her from 7:00 to well after 10:00 that night. It really was so precious! Of course it also brought up the fact that she still does not have a baby brother like she wants lol.
As far as the remodeling we have sloooowed down quite a bit. Now that I have been working with my Dad again we are all just so stinkin' busy we struggle to find time to put into the house. The living room, kitchen, and girl's room are so very close to being completed. We just have to do some touch up paint in each and then we need to hang the chandelier in the girl's room. I thought that the playroom was near finished as well but I have convinced myself that I want to repaint it a different color. I was having too much trouble trying to decorate it so I decided I will just have to repaint. Hopefully this will be the week...or maybe next.
We spent all day Saturday cleaning house top to bottom. It feels so good to finally have a clean house again. It really has been so chaotic these last few weeks. Today we had a great time at church and then came home for a much needed nap. We have spent the remainder of the day cuddling on the couch. A wonderful end to such a busy week.
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