Sunday, October 25, 2009

Back to Work Tomorrow

Why do the weekends have to be so short? Just when I get the hang of lounging around and being lazy, it's time for another week of work. We had a very nice weekend though. Mimi came to visit and we took her to see the house in Azle that we want. Brylie and Katy already miss her though. :)

Not much interesting has happened since the last time I wrote. I did walk into the bathroom today just as Katy tried flushing her Elmo doll down the toilet. I turned my back long enough to put poor Elmo in the laundry and she was trying to flush my hair brush. Apparently she has found a new hobby.

Well, I guess it's time to start the Sunday night routine. Katy is already in bed, but I need to get Brylie off to slumber land as well. Then I have to fold laundry, repack the diaper bag and Brylie's backpack for the week, do the dishes, pick out tomorrows outfits, make Brylie's lunch for tomorrow, and finally take my bath and go to bed. Awww the joys of being a mommy! I love my life!

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