Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Brylie's at Work"

Another wet, rainy day! We did at least conquer naptime today. It was no piece of cake, Katy had one of her new terrible-twos raging fits! I feel so bad for her but I don't want to give in anymore because she really needs her nap. She kicked and scream and threw herself around. I'm telling you it was so bad that if we had a straight jacket and a padded room I would have used it. Finally she caved and was so tired she just couldn't resist anymore. She laid down, asked for her blanket, and then passed out sobbing. I'm really hoping this phase doesn't last too much longer. It is so hard on me when she is that upset.

After naptime we took Brylie to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa so that she could go and stay with them for a couple of days. Boy does Katy miss her! Every 30 minutes or so she asks where Brylie is. At first she kept telling me that Brylie was at work. When I told her where she was she then kept telling me that Brylie was working at Grandma's. Little ones are so cute!

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