Saturday, April 3, 2010

Salon Day

I took both the girls to get their hair cut yesterday. I really only wanted to get Katy's cut since it has been driving me CRAZY but of course Brylie wanted hers cut too. I tried really hard to talk her out of it, telling her that princesses have beautiful long hair, but she insisted. When I asked her why she wanted it cut she told me that because when she tells me no and shakes her head at me it gets in her face. Ha! How about not telling Mommy no!?! She ended up just getting a little trim. :) Miss Kaytlyn on the other hand got over 3 inches cut off! She now has a cute little, chin length bob. It's a little shorter than I wanted but we were trying to cut most of the "baby" hair off and even the length out. I figure it will grow a lot faster now anyways. I will have to post pics tomorrow.

Today was one heck of a lazy day. The Easter Bunny came early since we have to leave the house first thing in the morning. The girls woke up at 5:00 this morning so we were hunting eggs bright and early. Brylie ran around the house as fast as she could filling her basket. Kaytlyn on the other hand found her first egg and discovered it had candy in it. After that she would walk around, find an egg, then eat the candy before moving on. Other than going grocery shopping we literally just bummed around all day. This morning (after our egg hunt) when I was trying to dry my hair I had both the girls in the bath tub. Kaytlyn was wanting help washing the bubbles off of her Ariel doll so I asked Brylie to please help her. She pleaded that she was too busy playing. After asking her a couple more times to please help I finally resorted to bribery. I told her I guess she didn't want to go to McDonald's and play later. Her response....."Well now you didn't tell me that"......and she helped her sister. She's a mess!

Tomorrow we are going to a company Easter party with Mitchell's work at the park. It should be fun and we can finally put our 500 Easter eggs to use.

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