Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Mommy, Mommy, eyes, eyes"

What a long day! The girls are still not sleeping very well which of course means neither is Mommy. Katy is getting up between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning nearly every night. Once she is up it takes almost an hour to get her to go back to sleep. She will roll her body all over me and then she will start to whisper, "Mommy, Mommy, eyes, eyes." To translate, this means "Mommy, get up and put your glasses on." If I tell her to go back to sleep she lets out a big sigh and then will take the covers and tuck me in all the way up to my neck and say, "There, that's better." She'll then lay still for a few minutes then she'll sit up and pat me on the back and say, "Perkit." Translation, "Perfect." After that, she goes back to laying still for a minute and then it starts all over again beginning with the "Mommy, Mommy, eyes, eyes." Of course it's as cute as can be but not at the wee hours of the early morning.

As for Brylie, I have still not been giving her a nap in order to get her geared up for Kindergarten. The problem is that by 6:30 at night she is completely wore out and sound asleep in bed. Then each night around 10:30 she gets back up. Since Mitchell and I are usually still awake she comes out and sits on the couch with us and doesn't go back to bed until we do. Last night I couldn't get her to go back to bed until nearly 1:00 in the morning. With Katy waking everyone up in the mornings by 6:30 it makes for a very cranky Brylie during the day. I'm still working extremely hard to stick to our schedule in hopes that it will eventually work on these crazy sleep patterns. Until then I am ONE TIRED MAMMA!

Today we went shopping with Grandma for a new swimsuit and a few other beach items. The girls were amazingly well behaved inside Kohl's. We really had no problems with them. Then in Target they started to get a little restless and by the time we made it to Walmart they were just short of out of control. I guess their shopping quota is met after one store. Oh well, at least I got a really cute swimsuit!

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