Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We Have A Girl's Name

Mitchell's cousin is a professional photographer in Louisiana.  He always posts his sessions onto his business facebook page and yesterday one of the posts caught my eye.  Not for the actual picture, but for the name of the  young teenager in the picture.  I thought it was a really unique and pretty name, had the "y" in it, and ended in the "e" sound.  I showed it to Mitchell and much to my amazement (we haven't agreed on a name yet) he really liked it.  After getting approval from all the grandparents we decided it is a definite.  So if baby number three is another girl, her name will be Shaylee.  (Maybe Shay for short).  The middle name is up in the air but a few suggestions have been Shaylee Rae, Shaylee Renee, and Shaylee Marie.  I really like Shaylee Rae.  I think it sounds really cute together.  I guess we will see.  And if it's a boy....well, he's still nameless.....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Road to ADHD

Since Brylie was a toddler we have questioned her being ADHD.  Her pediatrician pointed out a few of her personality qualities to be related to ADHD as well.  Some of them were her aggression, being hyper, her magnitude of meltdowns, struggling to fall asleep at night, and even the fact that she was a very colicky baby were all early warning signs that she would inherit ADHD from her daddy.

When it was first suggested to us that Brylie may have ADHD, her pediatrician informed us that she was really too young to be tested properly.  She told us that the reason Brylie struggled to go to sleep at night was because one of the side affects of ADHD is the inability for the body to calm itself.  Basically, ADHD makes the body struggle to produce proper amounts of melatonin.  So she put Brylie on a nightly dose of melatonin and to us it was a miracle drug.  Brylie was finally able to go to bed at a decent time without a power struggle.  Each visit thereafter, we re discussed the possibility that Brylie may be ADHD but her pediatrician urged us to wait until she started school before having her tested.

Brylie started Kindergarten an seemed to do better that expected behavior wise.  Her aggression subsided and thanks to the melatonin, we were still able to keep a good bedtime routine.  After moving, we noticed Brylie's meltdowns were becoming worse.  She could seriously loose it at the drop of a hat and it didn't take much of anything to bring her to tears.  We spoke with her new pediatrician who told us Brylie had all the signs of Emotional Sensitivity.  He also reminded us to be understanding to the fact that the move was a big change for her and that too could be setting her off.  We made it through Kindergarten without ever visiting the thought of her being ADHD and were hopeful we were in the clear.

Brylie made it into the gifted and talented class in first grade.  Her grades have remained all As (except in one area) and she really enjoys all the extras the class offers.   The only area she struggles with is her reading comprehension.  She has absolutely NO IDEA what she just finished reading.  She went from an A the first 9 weeks to a B the second in Reading.  Since her report card grades were good I could only relate to what I was noticing at home with homework.  Homework can be an absolute BATTLE.  Not because she refuses to do it, but because it takes forever to get through it.  Brylie seriously appears to be on another planet at times and it takes a miracle to keep her focused.

Not much to our surprise, her teacher scheduled a conference with us a few weeks ago.  Talk about an eye opener.  She told us Brylie struggles to stay on task.  (we knew this already)  She said even walking down the hall Brylie will stop and be staring off into space and have to be reminded to keep up.  She's third in line thanks to the alphabetical order so it's not like she at the end of the line.  Her teacher said that she can explain something to the whole class and ask Brylie if she's listening.  Brylie will literally jump as if she just snapped out of whatever world she was in.  Her teacher assured us her not listening had nothing to do with disrespect but because she really does struggle to stay focused.  Another problem Brylie has is her testing.  A lot of the testing done in the classroom is done one on one with the teacher while the other students work "quietly" on something else.  Brylie can be tested with a room full of working students and if one person gets up to sharpen a pencil, turn in a paper, or so much as coughs, Brylie is thrown completely off.  Her teacher has tested this theory numerous times by retesting Brylie when it's just the two of them in a class.  Brylie can go from making a 60 to a 100 on a test.  There were lots of other little things her teacher pointed out like Brylie not being able to sit in a chair, chewing on her hair, not being confident in her work, etc.  She also assured us that by no means did Brylie have any behavior issues.  By the end of the meeting her teacher, Mitchell, and I all agreed it was time to have Brylie tested for ADHD.

Her pediatrician immediately referred us to a child psychologist who we couldn't get into until March 20th.  The psychologist did send us a 150 question check sheet (one for home, one for school) so that we can begin to mark the behaviors we see with never, sometimes, often, and always.  Her teacher was great and sent it back to us the same day we gave it to her.  Between home and school, most all of our answers matched up.

So, now we wait to see the psychologist.  I'm really eager to see the improvement in Brylie.  Our biggest concern right now is that the GT testing begins March 1st.  Her teacher informed us that because the testing is done in the cafeteria with lots of restless testers, it will not be the ideal test situation for Brylie.  We are worried Brylie is not going to do well on the test.  Thankfully, her teacher has already opted for her to be tested individually.  We will see where this all leads after we see the psychologist.....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

10 Weeks 4 Days

I had my 10 week appointment yesterday.  This was actually the first time I saw the doctor and I really liked him.  I am still right on track with my due date of September 14th.  We talked about my previous pregnancies (particularly Brylie's) and he warned me that I could go on bed rest with little to no warning anywhere from 26-36 weeks.  This will depend on how well the placenta is staying attached and whether or not I begin to experience contractions or other preterm labor signs.  We also talked about my Zoloft.  He assured me that going back on it will cause no effects to the baby.  He told me that the commercials you see on tv are made up of scams and that if it was really believed they caused birth defects then he would not be prescribing it to me.  He made the comparison of a hypothetical mother who had a baby with down syndrome and then claimed that she ate Cheerios the entire 9 months so that must be why.  Sure scientists are going to wave caution and begin to study the relationship between Cheerios and down syndrome but in reality you can blame just about anything when 99% of the time it has to due with the parent's genes.  So with a big sigh of relief, I am now taking 25 mg of Zoloft a day.  This is still a huge difference from the 100 mg I was on but we want to start with a low amount.

As far as the baby, he or she is now the size of a lime and all of it's organs are developed.  Heart rate this time was a whopping 172!  I laughed when he told me this, now thinking that the before assumed boy is really another baby girl.  (Boys usually have a heart rate between 120 and 150 while girls have one between 160 and 180)  Both Brylie and Katy always had a high heart rate too.

Speaking of boy vs. girl, our house seems divided.  Mitchell and Brylie are pulling for a boy while Katy is really wanting a girl.  Has for myself, while it would be nice to have a boy, I think deep down I am secretly hoping for another girl.  I mean, I already know everything about little girls.  Sure everyone says boys are so much easier but girls are FUN!  I wouldn't change all the drama, fingernail painting, make up wearing, dancing, tutus, hair bows, tights, Sunday school dresses, hair styling, princess loving, barbie messes, frilly, glittery, PINK, totally GIRL world for nothing.  I absolutely LOVE having girls, and wouldn't mind a third one bit.

Names?  Well, they certainly aren't coming easy this time.  With both of the girl's, by now we had an overflowing list of names and this time no one seems to be on the same page.  Either I like it and Mitchell doesn't, Mitchell likes it and I don't, or we both like it and a grandparent doesn't.  So as for now, we are lost. Still, here are a few we have all (grandparents included) pondered (most rejected by one of us, Ill let you decide who rejected which ones).

Boy Names-Jackson, Coltyn, Bryce, Bryggs, Kyle, Tatum, Beau
Girl Names-Paisley (my fav), Brooklyn, Malaya, Presley, Laynie, Bailey, Emylee, Kynslee

There are others, these are just the favorites that different people are pulling for.  I'm beginning to think we are going to all be in the delivery room still trying to decide lol.  It's a good thing we have lots of time!

Life Lately

While I've been trying to keep up with my blog more frequently it doesn't always prove easy.  Here are a few things I've been meaning to post but just haven't...

Last month Brylie decided she no longer wanted to do gymnastics.  This was just weeks after she made the pre-team and came as a surprise.  Her reasoning, knowing her past experiences, was not as much of a surprise.  She would absolutely DIE and her legs would fall off if she had to stretch one more day...especially those darn splits! As much as I hated for her to quit, I had to come to the realization that it's not fair for her to do something she doesn't like.  Our newest adventure?  We have reentered the dance world.  She now goes to Hip Hop on Mondays and Tap, Ballet, and Jazz on Tuesdays.  

This decision of course played a role on Katy's gymnastics journey too.  Katy loves gymnastics and wasn't willing to give it up.  Not that I wanted her too since she's so good at it, but I wanted her to have the option.  I took the opportunity to move her to a new gymnastics.  Mitchell's friend that he graduated high school with owns Olympic Dreams Gymnastics in Beaumont and they are well recognized in the competing part, winning lots of awards and medals.  The first day Katy went for her trial class they put her in the Tiny Stars Class for 3 and 4 year olds.  By the time class was over the instructor told us that she would only be in that class for one month in order to learn the new gym and then she would be moved up to the advanced class.  After only 2 weeks in the class they told me this week that she was moving up to the advance class.  They also informed me that she is so far ahead of the others for her age that by summer time she will begin competing on a team.  At first she will only compete for ribbons and fun but then once she turns 5 she will be competing for the real deal.  Talk about WOW!  We always knew she was really good but didn't know she was THAT good.  

So Katy now goes to gymnastics on Tuesdays and since she loves to be on her sister's bandwagon, goes to Tap and Ballet on Thursdays.   They both still go to Awanas on Wednesdays and Kidz Connection on Sundays (both at our church).  

As for myself, I have become quite the bird fanatic over the last few months.  I now have 4 finch feeders, 5 wild bird feeders, 4 hummingbird feeders, and 2 bird baths all in my front yard.  I have had an overwhelming response to all my feeders.  Everyday my yard is swarming with cardinals, blue jays, robins, squirrels, and others I have no idea what they are.  I've become so old that I now enjoy eating my breakfast while watching all my birds out the windows.  

Here is one of my finch feeders all filled up....

Bella is very fond of this new hobby too!  She sits at the window all day in hopes of one finding it's way inside!  (good luck Bella Shea!)

We got to go bowling with Mitchell's employees the other night.  The girls had a blast!

The latest fashion statement these days is fake glasses.  We of course HAD to get some when we were at Claire's over the weekend.  So my children now sport some lovely glasses most places we go!  They think they are divias (especially Brylie)!

For final news, Katy and Brylie spent the night at their cousin Jessye's house over the weekend for her birthday.  While this is not really news for Brylie, it was Katy's first time to spend the night with someone other than family.  Yes, I know a cousin is technically family, but you get the point.  I was so proud of her for making it the whole night since she has become attached to my hip lately.  Mitchell and I were even able to have a fun night in Lake Charles at the L'auberge casino where Mitchell won $1000.  We had a lot of fun, and so did these two (at Jessye's)....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Katy Jayne

Look at those sweet baby blues...

She can even blow bubbles now...

I love my little monster!  Can't believe in a few months she will no longer be my baby.  :( 

Brylie and Madison

I started keeping the older sister of one my daycare boys back in October.  She is in second grade and makes a great companion for Brylie, as well as gives her someone to ride the bus home with.  They ended up hitting it off and have quickly become great friends.  This is the first of Brylie's friends that she talks to on the phone nearly every night about all the "drama" in their lives.  They even spend a lot of time together on the weekends.  They have sleepovers, go to the movies together, and just hang out.  Last weekend Madison had her birthday party (a slumber party) and then the next day her parents decided to take her and one friend across the ferry to Galveston Island to visit Moody Gardens.  So Brylie got to tag along!  Not Fair!  Moody Gardens is one of the places we have been wanting to go to since we moved but just haven't made it.  They have a 4D IMAX, butterfly garden, an exhibit where you can actually hold penguins, aquariums, and much more.  They even got to enjoy lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe.

Getting ready for the IMAX...yes that is HOT red lipstick they are sporting!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

8 Weeks

When I was pregnant with the girls "blogging" wasn't as big as it is now so I never had one with either of those pregnancies.  I thought it would be fun to document this one as much as possible so that I can look back on it.

I went for my first sonogram a little over a week ago and measured to be 6 weeks 6 days.  While I thought this was right based on my dates I was also shocked to learn I wasn't a little further along based on my ever growing tummy!  I seriously look to be at least 3 months pregnant.  I know they say the more pregnancies you have the sooner you start to show, but HOLY COW!  At this rate I'll be ENORMOUS by the end of my nine months!

I have noticed quite a few other differences with this pregnancy than the other two.  For one, I have been SICK....I mean sick, sick!  I can remember a very few times when I was pregnant with the girls that I felt nauseated and I think I actually threw up only once with each one.  While I have yet to throw up this time around the nausea has taken it's toll on me.  I am literally sick from the moment I get out of bed in the morning until I finally fall asleep at night.  It is absolutely miserable!  I can't even think about eating without gagging.  In fact I cannot cook food, smell food, or even see food without getting complete grossed out and even more nauseated.  As far as eating goes, I might as well forget it.  I am however starving all the time but since food gags me I can't exactly fill that sensation.  I finally couldn't take it anymore and called the doctor yesterday and begged for some form of relief.  They put me on a prescriptive drug called Zofran.  It comes in a "melts in your mouth" form that is suppose to dissolve on your tongue.  While the "easy" to take form may be so, it tasted like I had just put a bunch of liquid NyQuil in my mouth and had to hold it there for a few seconds.  ULTRA GAG!  I can at least say it worked and worked fast!  By the time Mitchell got off work I felt like a million bucks...but was beyond hungry.  After going to Tokyo for a little hibachi I felt like I could conquer the world!  I took it again today and was actually able to stay on my feet long enough to get things accomplished around the house.  I have no idea why it took my this long to ask for relief!

I have also been way more tired this time around.  I could literally sleep ALL day and still be completely exhausted.  By the time I get ready for bed at night I feel like I have the flu or something.  My entire body will ache and it's everything I can do to get through reading bedtime stories with the girls.  Usually by now I am fighting major heartburn.  I've been lucky that I have only had it a couple of times so far and it was nowhere as strong as when I was pregnant with the girls.  I am already having trouble bending over to tie shoes, shave me legs, or pick stuff up off the floor without being short of breath and feeling like I have a huge rock (or baby) in my tummy.  Like I said, lots of differences this time around!  Boy maybe?  Time will tell!

A few fun facts:

How Far Along?
8 Weeks 1 Day

Baby Size?
Comparable to a green olive

Baby Facts?
Baby is now an actual fetus and not an embryo.  It's liver, spleen, and gallbladder have all begun to form.  Baby is growing at a rate of one millimeter each day.

Foods I'm Loving?
Chinese!  When I am able to eat I usually want Chinese.  I actually craved Chinese food when I was pregnant with Brylie too.  With Katy it was fruit.

Foods I'm Hating?
I already had a not so pleasant experience with eggs so they are definitely out right now.

Best Moment This Week?

ALL DAY NAUSEA....although now experiencing relief thanks to my new medicine.

What I Miss?
Sleeping on my tummy!  I'm a big fan of sleeping on my tummy but that's now it is just plain uncomfortable.

What I'm Looking Forward To?
Finding out the gender!

I have my first prenatal appointment Tuesday, so more updates then!

Minivan Mom

We took the first plunge into being a family of 5 and purchased a 2012 Nissan Quest.  I had no idea that when we walked into the dealership to "look" we would actually get to leave with a new vehicle!  For those inquiring minds, this is our new purchase:  (by the way some of the pictures are the real deal while others are just out of the book since I have not been feeling very wonderful lately)

I LOVE the color we chose!  It is called Twilight Gray but has a really pretty bluish tint to it when the sun hits it.

I am sooo in love with it and all of it's many awesome bells and whistles!  Some of my favorites:

The ample storage space!  Unlike all the other minivans the second and third rows folds forward rather than down into the rear storage which means I don't loose the extra space.  One of the "perks" the book shows is that it fits an entire kayak in it.  Of course now Mitchell thinks he needs to add a kayak to his fishing equipment.   It also has 2 consoles, 16 cup holders (that's enough for every passenger to have at least 2 drinks), and the favorite rear storage well.

It's so deep both the girls fit in it!  Here is Evelyn modeling one at the dealership a few months back.

Here are a couple pictures of what it looks like without anyone in it.  I love the removable storage organizer!

And the picture (obviously from the book) of the inside.  We removed the center console from the second row to allow for a walk-through area to the third row.

I also am loving the automatic doors and keyless entry and start-up.  So long as the key is buried somewhere in my purse (as we all know "buried" is an understatement), I can easily open all the doors and back hatch with the click of a button located on each of the doors.  I can also start and drive the car without the key as well.

The large display screen, usb connections, dual air control, and added backup camera are also fun to play with.

It also has a conversation mirror that allows me to see everything that's going on behind me at all times.

We all know how much I hate to put air in the tires since I can't ever tell how much is enough....now it's not a problem!  The car will actually honk when it reaches the right amount of air!  It also beeps at me if I try to change lanes and another car is coming into my blind spot.

The girls are loving the Bluetooth surround sound.  With a touch of a button on my steering wheel, my phone is automatically activated and will carry out commands with my voice.  The car basically turns into one big speaker phone!  This is also great for when my phone rings so that I don't have to start digging around looking for it.  I also have the radio volume controls on the steering wheel.

So there it is in a nutshell....my new prized possession!  I am tickled pink about it!!!