Saturday, February 4, 2012

8 Weeks

When I was pregnant with the girls "blogging" wasn't as big as it is now so I never had one with either of those pregnancies.  I thought it would be fun to document this one as much as possible so that I can look back on it.

I went for my first sonogram a little over a week ago and measured to be 6 weeks 6 days.  While I thought this was right based on my dates I was also shocked to learn I wasn't a little further along based on my ever growing tummy!  I seriously look to be at least 3 months pregnant.  I know they say the more pregnancies you have the sooner you start to show, but HOLY COW!  At this rate I'll be ENORMOUS by the end of my nine months!

I have noticed quite a few other differences with this pregnancy than the other two.  For one, I have been SICK....I mean sick, sick!  I can remember a very few times when I was pregnant with the girls that I felt nauseated and I think I actually threw up only once with each one.  While I have yet to throw up this time around the nausea has taken it's toll on me.  I am literally sick from the moment I get out of bed in the morning until I finally fall asleep at night.  It is absolutely miserable!  I can't even think about eating without gagging.  In fact I cannot cook food, smell food, or even see food without getting complete grossed out and even more nauseated.  As far as eating goes, I might as well forget it.  I am however starving all the time but since food gags me I can't exactly fill that sensation.  I finally couldn't take it anymore and called the doctor yesterday and begged for some form of relief.  They put me on a prescriptive drug called Zofran.  It comes in a "melts in your mouth" form that is suppose to dissolve on your tongue.  While the "easy" to take form may be so, it tasted like I had just put a bunch of liquid NyQuil in my mouth and had to hold it there for a few seconds.  ULTRA GAG!  I can at least say it worked and worked fast!  By the time Mitchell got off work I felt like a million bucks...but was beyond hungry.  After going to Tokyo for a little hibachi I felt like I could conquer the world!  I took it again today and was actually able to stay on my feet long enough to get things accomplished around the house.  I have no idea why it took my this long to ask for relief!

I have also been way more tired this time around.  I could literally sleep ALL day and still be completely exhausted.  By the time I get ready for bed at night I feel like I have the flu or something.  My entire body will ache and it's everything I can do to get through reading bedtime stories with the girls.  Usually by now I am fighting major heartburn.  I've been lucky that I have only had it a couple of times so far and it was nowhere as strong as when I was pregnant with the girls.  I am already having trouble bending over to tie shoes, shave me legs, or pick stuff up off the floor without being short of breath and feeling like I have a huge rock (or baby) in my tummy.  Like I said, lots of differences this time around!  Boy maybe?  Time will tell!

A few fun facts:

How Far Along?
8 Weeks 1 Day

Baby Size?
Comparable to a green olive

Baby Facts?
Baby is now an actual fetus and not an embryo.  It's liver, spleen, and gallbladder have all begun to form.  Baby is growing at a rate of one millimeter each day.

Foods I'm Loving?
Chinese!  When I am able to eat I usually want Chinese.  I actually craved Chinese food when I was pregnant with Brylie too.  With Katy it was fruit.

Foods I'm Hating?
I already had a not so pleasant experience with eggs so they are definitely out right now.

Best Moment This Week?

ALL DAY NAUSEA....although now experiencing relief thanks to my new medicine.

What I Miss?
Sleeping on my tummy!  I'm a big fan of sleeping on my tummy but that's now it is just plain uncomfortable.

What I'm Looking Forward To?
Finding out the gender!

I have my first prenatal appointment Tuesday, so more updates then!

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