Tuesday, February 21, 2012

10 Weeks 4 Days

I had my 10 week appointment yesterday.  This was actually the first time I saw the doctor and I really liked him.  I am still right on track with my due date of September 14th.  We talked about my previous pregnancies (particularly Brylie's) and he warned me that I could go on bed rest with little to no warning anywhere from 26-36 weeks.  This will depend on how well the placenta is staying attached and whether or not I begin to experience contractions or other preterm labor signs.  We also talked about my Zoloft.  He assured me that going back on it will cause no effects to the baby.  He told me that the commercials you see on tv are made up of scams and that if it was really believed they caused birth defects then he would not be prescribing it to me.  He made the comparison of a hypothetical mother who had a baby with down syndrome and then claimed that she ate Cheerios the entire 9 months so that must be why.  Sure scientists are going to wave caution and begin to study the relationship between Cheerios and down syndrome but in reality you can blame just about anything when 99% of the time it has to due with the parent's genes.  So with a big sigh of relief, I am now taking 25 mg of Zoloft a day.  This is still a huge difference from the 100 mg I was on but we want to start with a low amount.

As far as the baby, he or she is now the size of a lime and all of it's organs are developed.  Heart rate this time was a whopping 172!  I laughed when he told me this, now thinking that the before assumed boy is really another baby girl.  (Boys usually have a heart rate between 120 and 150 while girls have one between 160 and 180)  Both Brylie and Katy always had a high heart rate too.

Speaking of boy vs. girl, our house seems divided.  Mitchell and Brylie are pulling for a boy while Katy is really wanting a girl.  Has for myself, while it would be nice to have a boy, I think deep down I am secretly hoping for another girl.  I mean, I already know everything about little girls.  Sure everyone says boys are so much easier but girls are FUN!  I wouldn't change all the drama, fingernail painting, make up wearing, dancing, tutus, hair bows, tights, Sunday school dresses, hair styling, princess loving, barbie messes, frilly, glittery, PINK, totally GIRL world for nothing.  I absolutely LOVE having girls, and wouldn't mind a third one bit.

Names?  Well, they certainly aren't coming easy this time.  With both of the girl's, by now we had an overflowing list of names and this time no one seems to be on the same page.  Either I like it and Mitchell doesn't, Mitchell likes it and I don't, or we both like it and a grandparent doesn't.  So as for now, we are lost. Still, here are a few we have all (grandparents included) pondered (most rejected by one of us, Ill let you decide who rejected which ones).

Boy Names-Jackson, Coltyn, Bryce, Bryggs, Kyle, Tatum, Beau
Girl Names-Paisley (my fav), Brooklyn, Malaya, Presley, Laynie, Bailey, Emylee, Kynslee

There are others, these are just the favorites that different people are pulling for.  I'm beginning to think we are going to all be in the delivery room still trying to decide lol.  It's a good thing we have lots of time!

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