Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We Have A Girl's Name

Mitchell's cousin is a professional photographer in Louisiana.  He always posts his sessions onto his business facebook page and yesterday one of the posts caught my eye.  Not for the actual picture, but for the name of the  young teenager in the picture.  I thought it was a really unique and pretty name, had the "y" in it, and ended in the "e" sound.  I showed it to Mitchell and much to my amazement (we haven't agreed on a name yet) he really liked it.  After getting approval from all the grandparents we decided it is a definite.  So if baby number three is another girl, her name will be Shaylee.  (Maybe Shay for short).  The middle name is up in the air but a few suggestions have been Shaylee Rae, Shaylee Renee, and Shaylee Marie.  I really like Shaylee Rae.  I think it sounds really cute together.  I guess we will see.  And if it's a boy....well, he's still nameless.....

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